Privacy Policy
(Data Protection Statement)

Protection of your personal data is an import issue to us. Therefore we handle your data only on the legal basis (EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018, Austrian Law of Telecommunications 2003). With this statement we want to inform you about the most important aspects of the usage of private data by Rudolfina-Redoute.

Delineation of Jurisdiction

This Data Protection Statement only covers activities of Rudolfina-Redoute, in particular the yearly organisation of the Rudolfina-Redoute ball.

Information about the Data Protection of K.Ö.St.V. Rudolfina Wien or AHV der K.Ö.St.V. Rudolfina Wien can be found on the appropriate homepages.

Getting in contact with us

When you get in contact with us, we save the contact details you give to us, as long as they are necessary to fulfil the purpose of your request. Your data will be saved until one week after the second Redoute following your request.

In regard to our newsletter other regulations apply, as listed below. Under no circumstances your data we will pass your data on without your permission.

In the case of a business contact with Rudolfina-Redoute (purchase of entrance or seating tickets, provision of services in relation to the Rudolfina-Redoute etc.) all data about the contractual relationship will be stored until the end of the safekeeping period according to Austrian tax laws (i.e. 7 years after the business contact or 7 years after the ending of our contractual relationship).

All contracting parties/data processing third parties can change over the time. You can find our current data processing third parties in the Legal Notice at our website.

The processing of data occurs on the legal basis of § 96 Sect 3 TKG as well as Art 6 Sect 1 lit a (consent) and/or f (legitimate interest) GDPR.

Data Protection

We protect your personal data by using all organisational and technical means possible and practicable. These include in particular protection again unauthorised, illegal and random access, processing, loss, theft or manipulation of your data.

Even though we try to reach the high standards of data protection we cannot guarantee that information you provide us with via the internet can be seen and used by third parties. Please note therefore, that we cannot take responsibility for the publication of information following errors during the data transfer or unauthorised access (e.g. hacker’s attack on email accounts, interception of phone calls etc.)

Information about data breaches

We try to identify data breaches as early as possible and will in the case of any data breach inform you and the authorities in charge immediately. We will also include a description of the data categories affected.

Storing of Data

We inform you that by the means of a simpler purchasing process and to fulfill the contract later on the following basis data will be saved using cookies: transaction number, time and date of access/ordering, language the interface is shown in, IP address.

In the course of the ordering process we will furthermore ask you for the following information: delivery address (salutation, title (prefix), first name, last name, title (suffix), company name, VAT number, section of the company, street, house number, zip code, city, country, phone number, email address), billing address (salutation, title (prefix), first name, last name, title (suffix), company name, VAT number, section of the company, street, house number, zip code, city, country, phone number, email address), information about the chosen products (number and categories of entry tickets, number of seating tickets and tables, number of ordered Redoute-meals including possible concessions, ball affected, reservation, processing and delivery fees, additional fees (including description), total sum), identification numbers (reservation number, invoice number and type (e.g. cancellation invoice), wirecard identification number) as well as information about the ordering, chosen delivery method, state of the ordering (e.g. processed, cards printed, sent to customer, finished, ready for pickup), information whether a separate billing address has been given, payment provider, payment status. For tickets of the “Couleurkarten” category we will also store the following (separately questioned) information for each card ordered: first name, last name, fraternital name, name of fraternity, name of fraternity association, information whether the ticket has been validated.

We will also store a data protocol recording all changes in the dataset including date, time and initiator, in order to document the formation of the contract.

Our technical partner for running and maintaining our online shop is JART IT-Dienstleistungs und Handels GmbH, Graf Starhemberggasse 4,31, 1040 Vienna, Austria. JART uses your data only for the purposes we intend to. As an Austrian based company JART is required to follow the standards and regulations of the EU general data protection regulation and Austrian data protection laws. Further information can be found here: A data processing agreement has been signed and can be presented upon request.

All payments (including transfer of the necessary data to banking institutes and payment providers) are handled by our payment provider Wirecard Central Eastern Europe GmbH, Reininghausstraße 13a, 8020 Graz, Austria durchgeführt. In the case of payment via this provider will also ask for the name of the card holder, card number, expiry time and card validation code. If you pay using another method, you will be forward by our primary payment provider to a third-party payment provider (Paypal, Sofort, EPS) who will request from you the data that is necessary to process your payment (banking details, login credentials). Payment data will not be transferred to Rudolfina-Redoute and is at no point accessable by Rudolfina-Redoute. Rudolfina-Redoute receives from our payment provider Wirecard Central Eastern Europe only the information that the payment was processed correctly.

To fulfill our tax duties, we will pass the relevant data on to our tax consultant.

Your data is necessary to fulfill the contract and if applicable contingent contracts or demands associated with it. Without these data we cannot make a contract with you.

After cancellation of the purchasing process we will store all data entered up to this point, in particular the earlier mentioned basis data, in order to improve our offers and the usability of the purchasing system until one week after the second Redoute following your request.

In the case of a business contact with Rudolfina-Redoute all data about the contractual relationship will be stored until the end of the safekeeping period according to Austrian tax laws (7 years).

The processing of data occurs on the legal basis of § 96 Sect 3 TKG as well as Art 6 Sect 1 lit a (consent) and/or b (necessary for the performance of a contract) and/or f (legitimate interest) GDPR. Our legitimate interest in regard to the GDPR is the improvement of our offerings and our ordering system.

Newsletter/Postal Invitation

On our website, by setting a note during the purchasing process or by leaving your email address in the ball office you can register for our newsletter and a postal invitation to the Rudolfina-Redoute. Therefore we ask for your email address, optionally for your postal address and a statement of yours that you accept the reception of our newsletter and the postal invitation. We store the following personal data for this process: salutation, title (prefix), first name, last name, title (suffix), company name, street, house number, zip code, city, country, phone number, email address, phone number, IP address and internal notes. If you do not provide us with your postal address (street, house number, zip code, city, country) we will send you the newsletter, but no postal invitation. The data will be used solely for information and offerings in relation to the Rudolfina-Redoute.

Upon registration for the newsletter and the postal invitation on our website we will send you a confirmation email with a hyperlink that needs to be activated in order to confirm the registration. You will be added to our list only if you confirm your registration.

Our technical partner for offering the newsletter service is NEWSTROLL – email marketing software, Marco Ahrendt, Maustäle 18, D-72793 Pfullingen. The data mentioned above will be handed over to this company. It is forbidden for NEWSTROLL to sell your data or use it for any other purpose than the sending of newsletters. NEWSTROLL is a German company that was selected in accordance with the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation and Austrian data protection laws. Further information can be found at the website of NEWSTROLL: A data processing agreement has been signed and can be presented upon request.

As far as the postal invitation is concerned, we cooperate with different printing houses. They recieve only the data necessary for the posting of the invitation – and for the sole use of our particular purpose. A current list of printing houses cooperating with us can be found at the site notice/impressum of this page ( Data processing agreements have been signed with all printing houses and can be presented upon request.

The given consent to the storing and processing of the data for the purpose of mailing a newsletter or invitation can be revoked at any time. Please use the provided “unsubscribe” link at the end of each newsletter or contact us directly.

The processing of data occurs on the legal basis of § 96 Sect 3 TKG as well as Art 6 Sect 1 lit a (consent) GDPR.

You can cancel the reception of the newsletter at any time without giving any reasons. There’s an opt-out possibility at the end of each newsletter, but you can also send your cancellation to We will delete your personal data in the context of the newsletter processing immediately.

Cookies and Web Analysis

Our website does not use cookies and does not analyse or track our visitors.

Unsere Website verwendet sogenannte Cookies. Dabei handelt es sich um kleine Textdateien, die mit Hilfe des Browsers auf Ihrem Endgerät abgelegt werden. Sie richten keinen Schaden an.

Wir nutzen Cookies dazu, unser Angebot nutzerfreundlich zu gestalten. Einige Cookies bleiben auf Ihrem Endgerät gespeichert, bis Sie diese löschen. Sie ermöglichen es uns, Ihren Browser beim nächsten Besuch wiederzuerkennen.

Unsere Website verwendet Funktionen des Webanalysedienstes Google Analytics von Google LCC, Mountain View, California, United States of America. Die Beziehung zum Webanalyseanbieter Google LLC basiert auf dem Abkommen „Privacy Shield“ 2006. Dazu werden Cookies verwendet, die eine Analyse der Benutzung der Website durch Ihre Benutzer ermöglicht. Die dadurch erzeugten Informationen werden auf den Server des Anbieters übertragen und dort gespeichert.

Sie können die Speicherung der Cookies durch eine entsprechende Einstellung Ihrer Browser-Software verhindern; wir weisen Sie jedoch darauf hin, dass Sie in diesem Fall gegebenenfalls nicht sämtliche Funktionen dieser Website vollumfänglich werden nutzen können. Sie können darüber hinaus die Erfassung der durch das Cookie erzeugten und auf Ihre Nutzung der Website bezogenen Daten (inkl. Ihrer IP-Adresse) an Google sowie die Verarbeitung dieser Daten durch Google verhindern, indem Sie das unter dem folgenden Link ( verfügbare Browser-Plugin herunterladen und installieren. Alternativ können Sie die Verwendung von Google Analytics für diese Seite auf dem derzeit benutzten Endgerät deaktivieren, indem sie [google_analytics_optout]hier[/google_analytics_optout] klicken.

Wir haben mit dem Anbieter einen entsprechenden Vertrag zur Auftragsdatenverarbeitung abgeschlossen. Nähere Informationen zu Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutz finden Sie unter bzw. unter

Ihre IP-Adresse wird erfasst, aber umgehend durch Löschung der letzten 8 Bit mit der Option „anonymizeIP“ pseudonymisiert. Dadurch ist nur mehr eine grobe Lokalisierung möglich. Im Regelfall wird Ihre IP-Adresse von Google innerhalb von Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union oder in anderen Vertragsstaaten des Abkommens über den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum zuvor gekürzt. Nur in Ausnahmefällen wird die volle IP-Adresse an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gekürzt. Die im Rahmen von Google Analytics von Ihrem Browser übermittelte IP-Adresse wird nicht mit anderen Daten von Google zusammengeführt.

Wir verwenden Social Plugins von, betrieben durch Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA. Die Beziehung zu Facebook Inc. basiert auf dem Abkommen „Privacy Shield“ 2006. Die Plugins sind an dem Facebook Logo oder dem Zusatz „Facebook Social Plugin“ zu erkennen. Wenn Sie z.B. den „Gefällt mir“ Button anklicken oder einen Kommentar abgeben, wird die entsprechende Information von Ihrem Browser direkt an Facebook übermittelt und dort gespeichert. Weiterhin macht Facebook Ihre Vorlieben für Ihre Facebook-Freunde öffentlich. Sind Sie bei Facebook eingeloggt, kann Facebook den Aufruf unserer Seite Ihrem Facebook-Konto direkt zuordnen. Auch wenn Sie nicht eingeloggt sind oder gar kein Facebook-Konto besitzen, übermittelt Ihr Browser Informationen (z.B. welchen Webseite Sie aufgerufen haben, Ihre IP-Adresse), die von Facebook gespeichert werden. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass wir als Anbieter der Seiten keine Kenntnis vom Inhalt der übermittelten Daten sowie deren Nutzung durch Facebook erhalten. Details zum Umgang mit Ihren persönlichen Daten durch Facebook sowie Ihren diesbezüglichen Rechten entnehmen Sie bitte den Datenschutzhinweisen von Facebook: Wenn Sie nicht möchten, dass Facebook die über unsere Webseiten über Sie gesammelten Daten Ihrem Facebook-Konto zuordnet, müssen Sie sich vor Ihrem Besuch unserer Webseiten bei Facebook ausloggen.

Unsere Website verwendet die Remarketing-Funktion „Facebook-Pixel“ der Facebook Inc. („Facebook“). Die Beziehung zu Facebook Inc. basiert auf dem Abkommen „Privacy Shield“ 2006. Die Funktion „Facebook-Pixel“ dient dazu, Besuchern dieser Webseite im Rahmen des Besuchs des sozialen Netzwerkes Facebook interessenbezogene Werbeanzeigen („Facebook-Ads“) zu präsentieren. Hierzu wurde auf unserer Website Facebook-Pixel implementiert. Über Facebook-Pixel wird beim Besuch der Webseite eine direkte Verbindung zu den Facebook-Servern hergestellt. Dabei wird an den Facebook-Server übermittelt, dass Sie diese Website besucht haben und Facebook ordnet diese Information Ihrem persönlichen Facebook-Benutzerkonto zu. Nähere Informationen zur Erhebung und Nutzung der Daten durch Facebook sowie über Ihre diesbezüglichen Rechte und Möglichkeiten zum Schutz Ihrer Privatsphäre finden Sie in den Datenschutzhinweisen von Facebook unter Alternativ können Sie die Remarketing-Funktion von Facebook unter deaktivieren – hierfür müssen Sie bei Facebook angemeldet sein – oder für diese Seite und das derzeit benutzte Endgerät, indem Sie hier klicken.

Die Datenverarbeitung erfolgt auf Basis der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen des § 96 Abs 3 TKG sowie des Art 6 Abs 1 lit a (Einwilligung) und/oder f (berechtigtes Interesse) der DSGVO. Unser Anliegen im Sinne der DSGVO (berechtigtes Interesse) ist die Verbesserung unseres Angebotes und unseres Webauftritts. Die Nutzerdaten werden für die Dauer von 26 Monaten aufbewahrt.

Partners for the staging of the Rudolfina-Redoute and organization of events that go along with it

During the staging of the Rudolfina-Redoute and the organization of events that go along with it, it might be necessary, to pass personal data (e.g. lists indicating the names of participants of additionally booked packages or access lists for closed receptions) on to third-party service providers.

In any case we will only forward the data absolutely necessary and the providers are solely authorised to use data for our particular purpose. Furthermore, a data processing agreement will be signed with each provider and can be presented upon request. A current list of all partners can be found at the site notice/impressum of this page (

Technical Infrastructure

Rudolfina-Redoute uses the technical infrastructure of K.Ö.St.V. Rudolfina Wien. When you get in contact with us or when we receive personal data from as part of a contractual relationship, these data will be stored on servers owned and operated by K.Ö.St.V. Rudolfina Wien. The data is in this context only available to Rudolfina-Redoute and cannot be access by K.Ö.St.V. Rudolfina Wien. Corresponding technical and organisational measures have been taken.

Furthermore, a data processing agreement with K.Ö.St.V. Rudolfina Wien has been signed and can be presented upon request.

Server Log Files

For optimisation purposes of the website and the hosting system, usability and to provide information about our services the provider of our website gathers and stores information that your browser transfers to us automatically in so called server log files. This information covers especially IP address, browser and language settings, operating system, referrer URL, internet service provider (ISP), date and time.

This data is not merged with any personal data collected. We reserve the right to consult this data if any hints of unlawful usage of our services get known to us.

Your Rights

You have the right of transparency, access, information, rectification, erasure, the right to be “forgotten”, the right to restrict processing, the right to object to processing, right of information in context of rectification or erase and the right of data portability. If you think that the processing of your personal data violates data protection laws or that your claims with regards to data protection are violated in any other case we ask you to get in contact with us. You can also address the controlling authority, which is the Austrian Data Protection Authority.

The responsbile for data protection at Rudolfina-Redoute can be reached via the following contact details:

z.H. Mag. Stephanus Rützler
Lenaugasse 3
1080 Wien

Last change: 28.01.2022