Dress code
and masking

When attending extraordinary events it is custom to dress in a special way. Who would think of getting married in a blue collar or attend a formal with mountain boots? Even more the preparation for a ball night is part of the experience of the ball itself. The visit at the hairdresser’s, the sometimes a bit more difficult dressing and then a formal reception or a festive dinner. It all adds to the joy and anticipation of the evening so that the “Alles Walzer!” can be heard a lot more differently.

A ball that can’t be distinguished from the normal working place by decoration, music or entertainment would feel boring right away, because why should we attend an event that offers nothing else than what we have at work every day? And therefore the hosts of a ball try to create something special that remains in one’s memory, just like a trip to a forgotten world.

But for this trip to be a success we need your help. A single guest at the ball who arrives not dressed accordingly can destroy the whole impression for everyone. It is because of this that many balls at the Hofburg Vienna – and amongst them the Rudolfina-Redoute – require a special dress code. If you stick to it as well, the ball will be even more of a special experience – and you avoid having exhausting discussions with us at the entrance.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation and let’s have a great ball night!


Ladies wear a long evening gown at the Rudolfina-Redoute. The edge of the gown touches the floor all the way round – even when you are wearing high heels. A dress that ends at your ankles is too short, as well as an asymmetrical dress that touches the floor at the back, but not at the front. If your gown has a slit, please make sure it closes below the knee.

Furthermore ladies at the Rudolfina-Redoute wear a mask, that covers parts of the face, but mostly the eyes. Masks as worn in the operetta “Die Fledermaus” (“The Bat”) are the model for the masks that should be worn at the Rudolfina-Redoute. As a side note: For ladies wearing a masked there is a special deal called “Damenwahl” (“Ladies’ Choice”) until midnight, which means that ladies wearing masks are allowed to ask any man at the Rudolfina-Redoute for a dance.

Paintsuits, cocktail dresses or traditional dresses, such as Dirndls, do not fulfil the requirements of the dress code.


Gentlemen attend the Rudolfina-Redoute in black tail with white bow tie, tuxedo with black bow tie or uniform. Please note that black and white tie have to be in the “classical style”, which means black with black shoes. A black tail consists of a white shirt, a white vest and a white bow tie, a tuxedo goes with black cummerbund and black bow tie. Ties, neckties and cravats are not allowed. Uniforms can only be worn if they are part of current military units. Historical uniforms are not to be worn.

Gentlemen do not wear masks at the Rudolfina-Redoute.

Not allowed are kilts, cuts and coloured tails or jackets or any other form of fancy dress or costume.


Even though “Redoute” can be translated as “masked ball” costumes of any kind are not allowed.

If you are uncertain about your choice of clothing, please contact the ball committee. We are happy to assist you.

Guests whose outfit does not conform to the dress code will not be permitted entry to the ball.

Rental and sale

Ladies (dresses and masks)

Braut Couture – Barbara Beran (rental and sale of dresses)
Simmeringer Hauptstraße 36/2, 1110 Wien
Tel. +43 1 749 71 23

Ed. Witte (sale of masks)
Linke Wienzeile 16, 1060 Wien
Tel. +43 1 586 43 05


Ladies (dresses) and Gentlemen (tuxedo and white tie)

Kleiderverleih Rottenberg (rental)
Porzellangasse 8, 1090 Wien
Tel. +43 1 317 61 55, Fax +43 1 319 26 87

Rental and sale

Gentlemen (tuxedo and white tie)

Lambert Hofer (rental)
Simmeringer Hauptstrasse 28, 1110 Wien
Tel. +43 1 740 90 0, Fax +43 1 740 90 66

Frack & Co (sale)
Hanuschgasse 3, 1010 Wien
Tel. +43 1 512 41 25, Fax +43 1 512 41 04